Tuesday, January 1, 2013

BALANCE and a New Year

Happy New Year!
So glad for new beginnings.
2012 was a year for many tears--good and bad.
It was a year to have COMPLETE FAITH.

I'm ready for a new start, new adventures.
Last year my word of the year was CREATE.
For me it meant to CREATE the life and household I dream of.
It was a word that kept me focused and often served as a reminder when making choices.
I'm glad I chose that word.
It lived up to the expectations I had!

This year my word is BALANCE.
I want to continue to find a good balance of family, home, serving/volunteering, cookie-ing, crafting, and becoming a more dedicated Christian.
I don't want one category to take up the majority of my time--I want a balance.

I took a bible study in 2012 called "Boundaries" and boy has that changed my life!
So my word BALANCE is kind of intertwined with BOUNDARIES
and I'm excited to see how 2013 turns out!

I made the sign below to keep in my craft room to serve a daily reminder.
(If you need one --with your own word of course, let me know)

Happy New Year!
Each year brings on great things and not so great things,
I'm ready!
Are you?